Propecia Lawsuit Funding
If you have filed a finasteride (Propecia, Proscar) lawsuit, you know that it’s a slow, arduous process. Propecia lawsuit funding can bridge the financial gap, helping pay rising medical bills caused by the injury you suffered from the popular prescription hair loss medication, and meeting monthly financial obligations as you await the resolution to your lawsuit.
Who is eligible to file a Propecia lawsuit?
If you have taken Propecia (finasteride) and have experienced adverse side effects, including sexual dysfunction or a diagnosis of prostate cancer, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit against Merck, the manufacturer of Propecia. Since each case and every patient’s circumstances are different, it is important to speak with a lawyer about your individual complaints to determine eligibility. If you have already filed a complaint in either a state or federal court, then you are eligible for Propecia lawsuit funding.
What are the most common reported side effects?
The most commonly reported side effects of Propecia are prostate cancer and sexual dysfunction, especially erectile dysfunction. Signs of prostate cancer may include difficulty urinating, bone pain, swollen legs, blood in the urine and/or semen, and a painful pelvic area. Men who suffer sexual side effects of Propecia report erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, problems reaching orgasm, and decreased sexual arousal.
What scientific evidence or research supports these claims?
Almost from the introduction of Propecia to the U.S. market, studies have shown a link to sexual side effects. In fact, early clinical studies conducted by the manufacturer, Merck, indicated that the hair-loss medication could cause decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, impotence, and decreased ejaculate. Merck claimed the risk was low (less than 2%), but later studies found otherwise.
A 2011 study out of Boston University School of Medicine found that finasteride was linked to erectile dysfunction in 8% of men and decreased libido in 4%. A second study, also released in March 2011, complemented these findings. The research was published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine and involved interviews of 70 finasteride patients.
Propecia sexual side effects researchers revealed that:
- 94% developed low libido
- 92% reported erectile dysfunction
- 92% claimed decreased arousal
- 69% recounted problems with orgasm
Furthermore, these side effects reportedly lasted an average 40 months after stopping all use of finasteride. Several months later, in June 2011, the FDA released a public safety alert linking Propecia to an increased risk of high-grade prostate cancer, a more serious form of the disease.
What is the current status of Propecia litigation?
Currently, Propecia lawsuits from around the United States are consolidated in federal multidistrict litigation, or MDL, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York. The MDL was formed on April 16, 2012. While the MDL allows the plaintiffs to pool pre-trial resources, coordinate discovery and other processes, and helps litigation move more quickly, this type of case consolidation also allows each plaintiff’s case to stand alone. Every plaintiff in the MDL is entitled to reach an individual out-of-court settlement, or fight for a jury verdict.
What should I ask a lawyer during my consultation?
The very first thing you want to ask a Propecia lawyer is the payment process; your lawyer should only be paid if you get paid via jury verdict or settlement. (Note that this remuneration strategy is the only way your case can qualify for Propecia lawsuit funding.) You should also ask whether an attorney has experience in Propecia litigation, or whether the lawyer and/or law firm has been involved in MDL litigation before. Ask about your attorney’s personal success record. Have the lawyer outline a basic strategy to fight your case. You should feel comfortable with your attorney, and the resources and support provided by the law firm. Finally, you should ask whether your attorney will agree to pre settlement lawsuit funding.
What is the expected compensation from a Propecia lawsuit?
No major settlements or jury verdicts have yet been announced, so it is as yet unclear how much you can expect in compensation. In general, verdicts or settlements are calculated based on the severity of your side effects and how they affect your life. For example, if you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and are now forced to pay hefty medical bills while your health declines, you may have a strong case for compensatory and punitive damages. Similar defective drug lawsuits have netted plaintiffs millions in compensation.
How long do I have to wait for compensation?
This is the tricky part. Since the MDL was just formed in April 2012, it’s going to take awhile. Cases have to be built; trials must be argued. Many plaintiffs will wait years for any resolution to their case. And that’s just the beginning. If you are issued a jury verdict, Merck can appeal, setting the process back by more months or years. In other words, even the best lawsuits are not a quick solution.
That’s where Propecia lawsuit funding comes in. Drug lawsuit funding is designed to get you the money you need – now, when you need it. When you get pre settlement lawsuit funding, that money is yours to use how you please: pay your bills, your mortgage, your car payments, and even your rising medical costs.
How can Propecia lawsuit funding benefit me?
Litigation funding, also known as a pre settlement loan, is a loan that’s not a loan. It’s really a cash advance against your eventual Propecia settlement or jury verdict compensation. In simple terms, that means you won’t be asked to submit employment verification or a credit check, and you’ll never make monthly payments. You only pay your cash advance back if you win your case or settle out of court. If you don’t get compensated, neither do we.
LawStreet Capital is here to guide you each step of the way through the Propecia lawsuit funding process. Our application is simple, and we’re happy to help you via phone. Just give us a call toll-free at 800-345-8500.