Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit Funding
Transvaginal mesh is a synthetic material that is commonly used to repair stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and pelvic organ prolapse (POP). The product is also known as surgical mesh, vaginal mesh, pelvic mesh, and bladder slings. Both SUI and POP occur due to weakened pelvic muscles; additionally, women with pelvic organ prolapse also experience prolapse, or descent, of certain organs into the vaginal wall. Surgical mesh reinforces the muscles, thus repairing the weakened vaginal wall and helping relieve incontinence and other symptoms.
The problem is that transvaginal mesh can have very serious side effects in some women. According to some experts, the mesh is biologically incompatible with human tissue and therefore causes serious complications. These women face long and difficult paths to recovery, and in many cases the financial, physical and emotional damages are overwhelming. For many, the only recourse is legal action, despite the cost associated with this type of lawsuit. If you have filed legal action, personal injury lawsuit funding can be the answer to your financial woes, and LawStreet Capital is one of the leading legal funding companies in the country.
Transvaginal mesh complications
The possible complications from vaginal mesh are varied: painful intercourse, bleeding, vaginal discharge, recurring infection, bladder and organ perforation, urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence, and more. One of the most oft-cited side effects is mesh erosion, which occurs when the product begins to erode, or shift position in the vagina. When surgical mesh moves from its intended position, it can cause serious infection, hemorrhage, pain, and other severe and debilitating side effects.
In 2011, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classified these side effects as “not rare.” Notably, vaginal mesh complications may not occur immediately after surgery. In fact, some women report no problems until more than a year after their mesh surgery. These symptoms are consistent with mesh erosion, since it can take months for the surgical implant to shift position and begin causing serious discomfort or pain.
Several major manufacturers are involved in ongoing transvaginal mesh litigation. These include American Medical Systems (AMS), Boston Scientific Corporation, C.R. Bard, Johnson and Johnson, Caldera, Composix, Covidien, Ethicon (subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson), Mentor Corporation, and Sofradim. As of September 2012, thousands of lawsuits throughout the nation are currently pending against these mesh manufacturers.
Personal injury lawsuit funding
If you have been injured by faulty vaginal mesh, or any defective medical devices, the first step is to contact an experienced attorney for a case evaluation. Your lawyer will advise you on the potential value of your lawsuit, and can help determine if you are eligible for a jury award or settlement out-of-court. However, your road to fair compensation could take months or years. That’s when personal injury lawsuit funding comes into play. A defective medical device lawsuit loan can help cover your personal expenses, including your mortgage payment and monthly bills, and can also finance your case.
Evaluating legal funding companies
There are many legal funding companies, but only LawStreet Capital offers the best services at the best prices. As a direct lender, we’re able to offer the lowest and fairest interest rates in the nation. Our legal loans aren’t actually loans – they’re more like cash advances. We won’t run a credit check or employment verification when you apply, and we’ll never ask you for monthly repayment. In fact, if you don’t win your case or settle your complaint, you won’t owe us a thing – your cash advance is yours, no questions asked. To top it off, we can approve most applications with 24 hours, and we’ll overnight your funds as soon as you request them. Call LawStreet Capital today, toll-free at 800-345-8500.