Why Sell Structured Settlement Plans?

Staff Writer | August 2nd, 2013

Sell Structured Settlement - Selling Lawsuit Settlements  Structured settlements are becoming an increasingly common way for people who have been injured to receive compensation payments. In addition to providing ongoing income, structured settlements guard against the financial risks faced by many plaintiffs who receive large lawsuit settlement sums. In some states, individuals can sell their rights to periodic payments to a company that will pay out a lump sum. This is known as structured settlement funding, and is often the preferred option for people who want to be in charge of their own financial future.

What is a structured settlement?

If you have recently won a lawsuit, your compensation award or insurance payout may have been organized into a payment plan. In some cases, these plans pay out money over several years, and may be suitable for people who aren’t used to managing large amounts of money. For others, a structured settlement is less convenient. If, for instance, you have large medical bills to pay, it might make more sense to receive a lump sum. When you sell structured settlement plans to a company like LawStreet Capital, you get an advance on the money you are owed.

Why sell structured settlement plans?

There are many reasons why structured settlement funding is preferable to a long, drawn-out series of installments.

Typical situations that require a lump some include:

  • Buying a new house
  • Paying off a mortgage
  • Settling large medical bills
  • Paying for college tuition
  • Purchasing a new vehicle
  • Sudden loss of income

In you’re facing a major financial burden, selling your structured settlement plan may be your best option. It doesn’t mean you have to accept one single sum. Instead, you can re-order the installments according to your requirements. You can sell part of the plan and keep the rest, depending on how much of a cash advance you need.

Structured settlement funding is not the same as a loan. There are no interest fees or hidden payments involved. All up-front costs and legal fees are paid directly by the funding source, and approval from LawStreet Capital can be obtained within 24 hours. Structured settlement funding provides a better alternative to the exorbitant interest rates and fees that come with a bank loan.

Applying to sell structured settlement plans

At LawStreet Capital, we understand that you want access to the money that is rightfully yours, but you are not willing to pay through the nose to obtain it. We proudly offer the lowest interest rates in the industry.

Our application process is straightforward and swift. We offer a 24-hour approval process in most cases, and once approval is given, the funds can be wired to your account overnight. No credit check or employment verification is required. When you’re ready to apply for structured settlement funding, just fill in the form on the right of the screen, or call toll-free on 800-345-8500. The application and review process is free of cost.