Need Financial Help? Consider Testosterone Lawsuit Funding

Whitney Taylor | March 5th, 2014

Testosterone Lawsuit Funding Testosterone therapy has been promoted in recent years as the go-to treatment for everything from fatigue to low sex drive in aging men. However, the therapy has also been associated with a host of serious side effects, including stroke, heart attack and death.

As men begin filing lawsuits against companies manufacturing and marketing testosterone products, some may find it helpful to apply for testosterone lawsuit funding to cover medical expenses as the litigation process begins.  

About testosterone therapy

Testosterone therapy was originally approved by the FDA to treat hypogonadism. This is caused by improperly functioning testes, resulting in a testosterone deficiency. Symptoms of hypogonadism include breast enlargement, sexual problems, muscle loss and fatigue.

Testosterone therapy may be administered to men diagnosed with hypogonadism via a patch, gel or injection. As more men began using the therapy, reports of additional benefits, such as increased energy and lean muscle mass, have driven the market for these products. In addition, manufacturers have aggressively marketed their products to healthcare providers and the general public in order to increase sales.

The marketing tactics have been successful, as evidenced by the exponential increase in prescriptions for Androgel, Axiron and other therapies in the past few years. According to a report at USA Today, 5.3 million prescriptions for testosterone therapy were written in 2011, which is five times the amount written in 2000. Nearly four percent of all men in their 60s are now using testosterone therapy to combat symptoms like low libido and diminished energy levels.

Assitance through an Androgel lawsuit loan

As more men have been using testosterone therapy, reports of adverse events related to the hormone are also on the rise. Some men who have experienced these side effects are now filing lawsuits against the manufacturers to pursue damages for their medical bills, pain and suffering and lost wages. The first lawsuits were filed in February 2014 by men who claim that Androgel led to heart attacks, heart failure and strokes. It is expected that the number of lawsuits will increase significantly in upcoming months as more men tune into the potential dangers of testosterone therapy.

In addition to the physical injuries men might suffer, the cost of medical treatment and lost wages can also create a financial strain. Those filing lawsuits may be hoping for relief from the bills through jury awards or settlements in their cases. However, the legal process takes some time, particularly in a case like this where lawsuits are just beginning to be filed.

One snare that plaintiffs may face is the fact that clinical studies have produced conflicting findings about the safety of testosterone therapy. Doctors have noted that a randomized, placebo-controlled study is needed on a large number of men in order to gain accurate information about the safety and effectiveness of testosterone. However, studies like this take many years and millions of dollars to complete.

Get cash today with testosterone lawsuit funding

In the meantime, men that have already been injured by testosterone therapy must continue to pay their bills as they wait for the litigation process to move forward. Some may find an AndroGel lawsuit loan provides the financial relief necessary to focus on recovering from their injuries while they await the outcome of their cases. This non-recourse loan is provided based on expected settlement or jury award, and does not require payment unless the plaintiff recovers compensation.

At Lawstreet Capital, we understand the financial difficulties suffered by victims who were injured through no fault of their own. If you have filed a lawsuit involving injuries suffered from testosterone therapy, we can help. We offer a free online application process and fast approval. Testosterone lawsuit funding can be in your account within 24 hours.

Lawstreet Capital provides the money you need, when you need it most, so you can focus on your recovery and your case. Contact us toll-free at 1.866.FUND.662 to learn more about our financing or begin the application process.