Recourse Versus Non-Recourse Loans: What’s the Difference?
It’s not uncommon for people injured or harmed by the actions of another party to bring a lawsuit against the responsible party for payment of damages. While a lawsuit can be necessary and ultimately result in justice, legal cases are also notoriously slow. Court cases can drag on for lengthy periods of time. Personal injury cases taking years to reach… Read more »
How Much Does Pre Settlement Funding Cost?
If you’re involved in a legal case, it’s likely you know that they aren’t resolved quickly. In fact, legal cases can take years to wind through the U.S. court system. In the meantime, you may be waiting for money to pay basic necessities, like groceries, utility bills, and even for a roof over your head. If you’ve heard of pre-settlement… Read more »
Legal Funding for Opioid Lawsuit Plaintiffs
The opioid epidemic has had a devastating effect on countless Americans, many of whom have filed lawsuits against the drug makers and distributors seeking damages for the harm that has been caused. There are at least 1,500 opioid lawsuits in federal courts, brought on behalf of individuals, babies born addicted to opioids, infants suffering other effects of neonatal abstinence syndrome… Read more »
If You Have a Lawsuit Against Juul Labs, Legal Funding Can Help
An increasing number of lawsuits are being filed against the makers of Juul regarding users’ development of bronchiolitis obliterans, or popcorn lung. While Juul Labs has marketed the popular e-cigarettes to teenagers with flavors reminiscent of candy and maintained that Juul e-cigarettes are safe and a reasonable alternative to cigarette smoking, the suits claim that studies actually show that use… Read more »
How Can I Get Money Before My Settlement?
Were you injured in an accident and was it the result of a negligent third-party? A personal injury settlement can take months and even years to resolve. In the interim, you have financial obligations. You may have difficulty paying the bills due to injury or court appearances keeping you away from work. Fortunately, there is a solution that tides you… Read more »